
Elixir Tip has been around since 2014. With over 10,000 followers on Twitter, Elixir Tip has one of the largest Elixir followings in the community. With the low-volume of tweets from Elixir Tip, you can be assured your sponsored post will stand out among them.

Elixir Tip targets software engineers, consultants, IT professionals, entrepreneurs, and hobbyists interested in fault-tolerant, scalable software with Elixir. We would love to connect you with our audience.

Please note that sponsorship slots are sold on a first-come, first-served basis so don't delay. Also note pricing may vary month-to-month based on demand.

To retain the trust of our audience and high quality content, we ask all sponsored posts adhere to the Acceptable Ads Initiative. In particular:

  • Text starts with [SPONSOR]
  • Must fit within a Tweet (280 characters)
  • May contain up to one image
  • May contain up to one link
  • Only two total sponsored posts per week

Though we hate to say no, we reserve the right to refuse service if we feel any posting is not in the spirit of Elixir Tip.

If you have other needs or now is not the right time, please keep in touch. We would love to work together to unlock a unique opportunity to promote your message.

When you are ready, you can reach us at sponsors@elixir.tips for pricing details.